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  • 美国UVP UVC-303紫外线防护眼镜
  • 美国UVP UVC-303紫外线防护眼镜

美国UVP UVC-303紫外线防护眼镜

美国UVP UVC-303紫外线防护眼镜是保护眼睛免受紫外强光的伤害的防护眼镜,由有机材料和吸收剂制成的,是一种高效、安全、无毒的眼睛防护产品,尤其能有效的防护UV灯的紫外光对人体的潜在伤害。紫外防护眼镜是有效防止紫外线(UVA、UVB、UVC)对工作人员眼睛伤害的*的防护工具。防护波长400nm以下,有效阻隔紫外线的辐射。此产品仅用于防护180-400nm紫外线,不能用于防冲击、防飞溅、防焊接紫外线等用途。

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美国UVP UVC-303紫外线防护眼镜产品详情





该眼镜旨在保护眼睛免受紫外线灯发出的有害紫外线辐射。该眼镜设计用于保护眼睛免受波长为254nm至365nm(纳米)的灯具的伤害。这些防紫外线眼镜还可以减少长波紫外线的“蓝色雾霾”,以获得zui佳视觉效果。对于8小时以外的暴露时间或254nm至365nm以外的紫外线波长发射,请参考文件HSM 73-11009“美国卫生、教育和福利部发布的建议标准……职业性紫外线辐射暴露标准”


尽管护目镜和眼镜旨在保护眼睛和面罩,以保护面部和颈部,但必须注意保护身体其他部位免受与短波紫外线波长相关的严重皮肤烧伤。避免在反射表面上使用任何紫外线灯。穿戴防护服和护肤霜。眼镜符合ANSI Z87的性能标准。1-1989. 眼镜和护目镜镜片耐冲击,但并非牢不可破。经常清洁和检查。有凹痕或划痕的护目镜会降低防护效果-请立即更换。用温和的肥皂溶液清洁眼镜表面。不要在镜片上使用溶剂。小心地冲洗掉肥皂。用干净的软布或纸巾风干或轻拍干燥。




Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear

UVC-503 Goggles, UVC-303 Spectacles and UVC-803 Faceshield

Eyewear block ultraviolet radiation while providing optimum contrast in viewing and lessened eye fatigue. The UVC-503 Goggles have air vents that are located on each side of the goggles to allow air flow while blocking the ultraviolet radiation. The UVC-303 Spectacles are lightweight and fit comfortably on the face, even over prescription glasses. Side arm panels give additional eye protection. The UVC-803 Faceshield covers the neck and face area.


The eyewear are intended to protect the eyes from harmful ultraviolet radiation emitted from UV lamps.The eyewear is designed for eye protection from lamps emitting wavelengths of 254nm to 365nm (nanometers). These Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear also reduce longwave ultraviolet “blue haze” for optimum viewing. For exposure periods other than eight hours or for ultraviolet wavelength emissions other than 254nm to 365nm, consult Document HSM 73-11009 “Criteria for a Recommended Standard ... Occupational Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation published by the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare.”


 Although the Goggles and Spectacles are intended to protect the eyes and the Faceshield to protect the face and neck, care must be taken to protect other parts of the body from severe skin burn associated with shortwave UV wavelengths. Avoid shining any ultraviolet lamp on reflective surfaces. Wear protective clothing and skin cream. Eyewear meet performance standards of ANSI Z87.1-1989. Spectacles and Goggles lenses are impact resistant, but not unbreakable. Clean and inspect frequently. Pitted or scratched eyewear reduce protection — replace immediately. Clean all eyewear surfaces with a mild soap solution. Do not use solvent on lenses. Carefully rinse off all soap. Air dry or pat dry with a clean, soft cloth or tissue.

Product Warranty:

UVP’s products are guaranteed to be free of defects in materials, workmanship and manufacture for one (1) years from the date of purchase. If equipment failure or malfunction occurs during the warranty period, UVP shall examine the inoperative equipment and have the option of repairing or replacing any part(s) which, in the judgment of UV P, were originally defective or became so under conditions of normal usage and service.

Ultraviolet Blocking Eyewear

Model Description       Parts Numbers

UVC-303 Spectacles    98-0002-01

UVC-503 Goggles      98-0002-02

UVC-803 Faceshield   98-0002-04

Replacement lens for Goggles  98-0002-03

Shield Replacement     38-0151-01
