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美国 Monarch Instrument ACT-1B 面板转速表

作者:美国 Monarch Instrument 时间:2024-06-12 08:46:31浏览427 次


ACT-3X 面板转速表是一款功能强大的 NIST 校准、完全可编程的转速表和累加器。它接受来自 Monarch 速度传感器或任何标准 TTL 生成设备的输入。该装置由 120/240 V 交流输入电源或 12 或 24 V 直流输入电源(可选)供电。可通过 5 个前面板按钮或使用免费下载的 PM 远程软件轻松进行编程。设置为单通道监控。可编程比例因子,菜单选择每转多个脉冲、线性速率、单事件跳闸速度(使用辅助输入)和 RPM 变化率。TTL 脉冲中继器输出为标准配置。建议使用的传感器有 PN -W(= 镀锡引线)、ROS-W、ROS-HT-W-25、  P5-11、PS-12、  M-190W、  IRS-W、  ROLS-W 、 RLS-W、  SLS-115/230、CSLS和 GE-200HP燃气发动机传感器(带放大器)。

美国 Monarch Instrument ACT-1B 面板转速表

ACT-3X 面板转速表是一款功能强大的 NIST 校准、完全可编程的转速表和累加器。它接受来自 Monarch 速度传感器或任何标准 TTL 生成设备的输入。该装置由 120/240 V 交流输入电源或 12 或 24 V 直流输入电源(可选)供电。可通过 5 个前面板按钮或使用免费下载的 PM 远程软件轻松进行编程。设置为单通道监控。可编程比例因子,菜单选择每转多个脉冲、线性速率、单事件跳闸速度(使用辅助输入)和 RPM 变化率。TTL 脉冲中继器输出为标准配置。建议使用的传感器有 PN -W(= 镀锡引线)、ROS-W、ROS-HT-W-25、  P5-11、PS-12、  M-190W、  IRS-W、  ROLS-W 、 RLS-W、  SLS-115/230、CSLS和 GE-200HP燃气发动机传感器(带放大器)。

ACT-1B 面板转速表


型号 – 通用输入,通过光学、红外、激光、接近和磁传感器或直接 TTL 和 200 mV 至 50 V 交流信号进行非接触式操作

ACT-3X 面板转速表

  • 1/8 DIN 尺寸

  • 5位LED显示屏

  • 转速范围:5 至 999,990 RPM

  • 通用传感器输入

  • 包含 NIST 可追溯证书

  • 用户可使用前面板按钮或免费下载 PM 远程软件进行配置

  • 在电脑上查看实时数据*

  • 以 .CSV 格式实时记录数据*

  • 通用交流电源 100-240 V 交流电,50/60 Hz 或可选 12 或 24 V 直流电源

  • 标准脉冲中继输出

  • 从启停脉冲中捕获单个事件,单位包括 MPH、CM/秒等使用 二传感器 – 用于测量第二输入通道的线性行进速率

  • 可选 4-20 mA 或 0-5 V dc 可扩展输出

  • 可选以太网或 USB 通信

  • 可选报警继电器输出


Speed Range5-999,999 RPM (speeds below 5 RPM possible with multiple pulses per revolution)
Input Frequency Range0.083 Hz to 80 kHz
Totalizer/CounterDisplay Range: 0.001 to 99,999
Input ConfigurationUniversal inputs: 1 to 9,999 pulses per revolution
         front panel pushbutton programmable TTL input and 1.1 V to 50 V ac signals, Opt: -1 to -50 V dc
Accuracy+/-0.001% of reading or +/-1 displayed resolution (standard gate),
         +/-0.06% of reading or +/-1 displayed resolution (fast gate)
ResolutionUp to 0.001 RPM, 10 RPM (100,000 to 999,990 RPM)
Display5-digit, 0.56 in. [14 mm] high red LED
Display and Output UpdateMenu-selectable between 0.5 seconds above 120 RPM, 1 second above 60 RPM, and 1.5 seconds above 40 RPM
Max Measurement RateUp to 100 times per second (Standard Gate) or up to 1000 (Fast Gate) dependent on the input frequency; input must be measurement rate
ScalingProgrammable scaling: 0.0001 to 9999.9 (front panel pushbutton programmable)
Decimal PointUser-selectable (0-3) decimal places max (front panel pushbutton programmable)
MemoryMaximum, minimum, and last reading recall from front panel pushbuttons
Dimensions1/8 DIN by 4.5 in. [114 mm] deep
         Panel cutout: 3.58 in. x 1.74 in. [91 x 44 mm]
Input PowerStandard: 100-240 V ac +/-10%, 50/60 Hz

Optional: 12 or 24 V dc +/-20%, isolated, 8VA

InputsUniversal input for optical, proximity, two-wire or three-wire magnetic, infrared, or laser sensors; TTL input or 3.3 V ac to 50 V ac input (The standard input is 1 pulse per revolution.)
Sensor Excitation5 V dc or optional 12 or 24 V dc to sensor
Recommended SensorsLED – ROS-W

High Temp – ROS-HT-W-25

Proximity – P5-11, PS-12

Magnetic – M-190W or MT-190W

Infrared – IRS-W

Laser – ROLS-W, RLS-W, SLS-115/230, CSLS

Inductive – GE200-HP Gas Engine (requires amplifier)

Pulse Repeater OutputStandard, 0 to 5 V TTL compatible; one pulse out for each pulse in

Menu-selectable polarity

CommunicationsBidirectional RS232C, USB, or Ethernet interface
Analog Output (optional)Voltage (AO): 0 to 5 V dc, 5 mA max load (isolated or non-isolated) or Current (IO): 4 to 20 mA, 500 ohm,¦ max load. (or non-isolated), 1 to 5 V dc possible using 250 ohm resistor) 16-bit resolution

Front panel pushbutton programmable for full scale and offset RPM ranges

Pulse Output (optional)Repeater pulse output: TTL pulse switching between +5 V and ground
Alarm CapabilityTwo-alarm setpoints: High or Low
         alarm limits, latching or non-latching

Front panel pushbutton programmable

Hysteresis, deadband, and low limit lockout are programmable; relays can be set as a fail-safe

Alarms can be reset manually or automatically; remote reset via the auxiliary input

Alarm OutputsTwo Form C relay contacts, rated 1 A at 115 V ac or 230 V ac
Remote ProgrammingRemote programming is possible using an optional communications interface and PM Remote Software

(If no communications are ordered, the unit can still be programmed with an optional USB programming cable.)

EnvironmentalIndoor use only, installation category II per IEC 664 temperature: -10 °C to 50 °C operating per IEC 61010-1

Humidity: maximum relative humidity 80% for temperatures up to 31 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% relative humidity at 40 °C

Electrical SafetyMeets EN61010-1:2001, EC low voltage directive 72/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC
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