上海峰志仪器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:瑞典兰宝 时间:2021-04-23 19:02:21浏览1818 次




Leak detection using fluorescent tracer additive
In order to detect fluid leaks and their sources quickly, UV (365nm) lights are used together with UV fluorescent tracer additives. This method is used by most manufacturers of petrol and diesel vehicle engines, earth moving equipment and fork lift trucks. Leakage is detected the following way. The UV fluorescent additive is mixed with a fluid system, e.g. water, oils, fuels, coolants and refrigerants, and then the equipment is operated as normal to allow the fluorescent additive to circulate throughout. If the leak occurs, the UV fluorescent tracer will run with the fluid and remain at the site of the leak. After that, all external surfaces such as pipework, joints, connectors, gasket seals and coils are inspected with the UV light. The leak and its flow path will glow bright yellow/green under the UV.



瑞典兰宝LabinOil荧光示踪剂是一种荧光染料,应与石油基润滑油一起使用。 LabinOil中的荧光通过紫外线照射而被激活。 Labino UVG2紫外线手电筒(UVG2 Spotlight Torch)是与LabinOil荧光检漏剂一起使用的强大LED紫外光源
您无需在发动机泄漏测试之前或之后清洗发动机,也不必清空发动机机油。将染料添加到机油中,启动发动机,使染料与机油混合并在发动机中循环。使用Labino UVG2聚光灯照亮以识别泄漏。使用LabinOil套件时,不需要任何特殊培训。
Leak detection using LabinOil
LabinOil is a florescent dye and should be used with petroleum based lubricants. The fluorescence in the LabinOil is activated by irradiating with UV-light. Labino UVG2 Spotlight Torch is a powerful LED light source used together with LabinOil.
You do not need to clean the engine before or after the engine leakage test, nor do you have to empty the engine oil. You add the dye into the engine oil, start the engine to make the dye mix with the oil and circulate in the engine. Illuminate using the Labino UVG2 Spotlight to identify leakage. No special training is required when using the LabinOil kit.


SuperXenon是一种高强度的紫外线灯,非常适合在明亮的日光下进行户外检查。该氙气紫外线灯提供一个50瓦的灯泡,以及一个Midlight反射镜,您将获得很好的覆盖率。 瑞典兰宝SuperXenon氙气紫外线灯可提供手枪式手柄和顶部手柄,以及电池或交流电供电。
Xenon Light for High intensity in Day light
SuperXenon is a high intensity light, perfect for out dorrs inspection in broad day light. The lamp offers a 50 watt bulb, together with a Midlight reflector you will get a very good coverage. SuperXenon is available with pistol handel and top handle, as well as battery or AC operated.
BigBeam for Large Coverage
BigBeam offers a wide beam for large coverage and hands free inspection. You can inspect several parts at the same time without interruption. You can mount the BigBeam in several ways. Either with a mounting bracket on the wall or ceiling, or a friction arm to mount from a table or floor.

MidBeam 2.0轻巧的手持式紫外线检查灯
MidBeam 2.0是一款小型手持紫外线检查灯,其尺寸具有出色的覆盖率。该紫外线检查灯可作为电池或市电(AC)使用。如果需要免提检查,则可以轻松地将灯安装在摩擦臂或柔性臂上。
MidBeam 2.0 for light weight Hand Held Inspection
MidBeam 2.0 is a small handheld lamp with excellent coverage for its size. The lamp is available as battery or mains (AC) operation. If a hands free inspection is required the lamp can easily be mounted on a friction arm or on a flexible arm.


UV Torch Lights and Head light
Labino offers a wide range of torches and Headlights. The most popular for Leak Detection are UVG2 Spotlight and UVG5 Headlight Spotlight. The high intensity makes it possible to detect leakage in day light.


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