上海峰志仪器有限公司shanghai fengzhi instrument co,.ltd


作者:美国spectronics 时间:2020-05-10 20:44:48浏览1836 次


SPN-VIN365黑光灯满足ISO 3059标准无风扇、高强度 ,SPN-CLR-BA, SPN-CLR-BHA电池操作高强度LED黑光灯运行9小时, SPN-CLR365无线充电电池操作高强度LED黑光灯,UV-365HC  (UV-365ES,UV-365EH)满足ISO 3059标准,IP65、无风扇、高强度  uVision 365 HC系列黑光灯(UV-365HC,UV-365MHC) 满足ASTM E3022-18及ISO3059标准,IP65、无风扇、高强度  uVision 365 豪华系列(UV-365SBLC,UV-365MSBLC) 满足ASTM E3022-18,RRES90061及ISO3059标准,


-同时满足ASTM E3022 & RRES90061(航空工业标准)


UV-365ZSBLC/FA交直流两用紫外灯,内置电池,IP65防水防尘:(3)个UVA紫外灯珠,(1)个LED白光  灯珠,FP-600滤色片保护架、配128196带有UV-A通滤光镜的面板;带2.4米电源  线及UVS-30紫外防护眼镜、软包。  ¥15000元

 交流款 Standard Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED w/ 128196  Faceplate w/ UV-A Pass Filters, FP-600 Borofloat Filter Protector, 8' AC Cord,  UVS-30 Spectacles & Protective Case ( (220-240V/50Hz with Australia/China  Plug) (Plug Type I)

UV-365SBLCR/FA吊轮款, Standard Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED w/ 128196  Faceplate w/ UV-A Pass Filters, FP-600 Borofloat Filter Protector, reel with 50'  cord, 8' AC Cord and UVS-30 Spectacles (100-120V/50-60Hz)19500元
UV-365MSBLC/FA交直流两用款,外接电池。 Standard Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED  w/ 128196 Faceplate w/ UV-A Pass Filters, BP-30 NiMH battery pack, 126834 AC  charger, FP-600 Filter Protector, 8’ AC Cord, UVS-30 Spectacles & Protective  Case (100-120V/50-60Hz)20800元

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-满足ASTM E3022标准

UV-365HC/FAuVision, High Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED w/ 128196 Faceplate  w/ UV-A Pass Filters, FP-600 Borofloat Filter Protector, 8' AC Cord, UVS-30  Spectacles & Protective Case (100-120V/50-60Hz12600元
UV-365HCR/FAuVision, High Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED w/ 128196 Faceplate  w/ UV-A Pass Filters, FP-600 Borofloat Filter Protector, reel with 50' cord, 8' AC  Cord and UVS-30 Spectacles18500元
UV-365MHC/FAuVision, High Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED w/ 128196 Faceplate  w/ UV-A Pass Filters, BP-30 NiMH battery pack, 126834 AC charger, FP-600  Borofloat Filter Protector, 8’ AC Cord, UVS-30 Spectacles & Protective Case  (100-120V/50-60Hz)19500元


SPN-VIN365-FCVintage, (2) UV-A LEDs, w/ RP-FP-01 Filter Protector, 8’ AC Cord, UVS-30  Spectacles5900元
UV-365EH/FAuVision, High intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) white light LED with FP-600 borofloat  filter protector, heavy-duty 8 foot AC cord, UVS-30 spectacles and soft carrying  case9000元
UV-365ZEH/FAuVision, High Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED with FP-600 Borofloat  Filter Protector, In-handle Lithium-ion Battery, 130448 Charger, 8' AC Cord, UVS30 Spectacles & Protective Case12000元
UV-365ES/FAuVision, Standard intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) white light LED with FP-600  borofloat filter protector, heavy-duty 8 foot AC cord, UVS-30 spectacles and soft  carrying case (100-120V/50-60Hz)8800元
UV-365MEH/FAuVision, High Intensity, (3) UV-A LEDs, (1) White Light LED with FP-600 Borofloat  Filter Protector, BP-30 NiMH battery pack, Heavy-Duty 8 Foot AC Cord, UVS-30  Spectacles & Soft Carrying Case (100-120V/50-60Hz)13300元

美国spectronics LED 手电筒式紫外灯价格表

SPN-CLR365-SC/FA标准强度,手电筒式LED UV-A紫外灯套件,符合ISO:3059标准并满足ASTM标  准,防护等级IP68,配有感应充电器套件、皮带套、手提箱和紫外线眼镜。在  15"(38cm)距离下的标称紫外强度:4500 uw/cm2  ¥3,600  SPN-CLR365-HC/FA  高强度,手电筒式LED UV-A紫外灯套件,符合ISO:3059标准并满足ASTM标准,  防护等级IP68,配有感应充电器套件、皮带套、手提箱和紫外线眼镜。在  15"(38cm)距离下的标称紫外强度:6750 uw/cm2  ¥34680元
SPN-CLR365-HC/FA高强度,手电筒式LED UV-A紫外灯套件,符合ISO:3059标准并满足ASTM标准,  防护等级IP68,配有感应充电器套件、皮带套、手提箱和紫外线眼镜。在  15"(38cm)距离下的标称紫外强度:6750 uw/cm2  ¥4680元
OLX-365/FAOpti-LUX™ lamp kit with cordless, UV LED flashlight with battery charging cradle  with AC & DC cords, (1) spare rechargeable lithium-ion battery, lanyard, belt  holder, UVS-30 UV-absorbing spectacles and small carrying case (100-120V/50-  60Hz)4300元
OLX-365BFL/FAOpti-LUX, 365nm,high-intensity,super-compact rechargeable flashlight w/ UV-A  Pass Filter,battery charging cradle with AC/DC cords,1 spare Li-ion  battery,lanyard,belt holder,UVS-30 UV-absorbing spectacles & small carrying  case (100-120V/50-60Hz)4300元
OPX-365/FAOptiMAX, Lamp kit with cordless, rechargeable UV LED flashlight with smart AC  charger, smart 12V DC charger, belt holder, UVS-30 spectacles and small  carrying case (100-120V/50-60Hz)7020元

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